sábado, 2 de março de 2013

Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge - March 2013

Participant: Pedacinho Literário

The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge - March 2013 is quite an exciting challenge, especially if your TBR pile is like minegigantic! So, the idea is very simple: you shall read and review books published prior to March 2013, and with each review, you can win an extra entry on the final challenge prize. Of course you can still read ARC's or books published in/during the month of March, the only thing "against" it is that it won't count for the prize. 

But there is more! Adding to the challenge, there will be a mini read-a-thon, from March 15th to the 18th, with all the same rules and purpose. Pretty cool, right? And in case you haven't signed on any of the challenges yet but want to, don't worry 'cause you're more than in time. Just go to the link in the "Hosted by" area and follow the easy steps!

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